Me & John Robb during the talk
We left Norfolk before 8 am in the morning and set off for London. As soon as we set off, clouds gathered and it started to rain. You know one of those days where you'd rather stay in bed and pretend the world doesn’t exist.
Our first stop was near New Market where Gordon lives. He kindly offered to look after the dog again. For Oscar (the dog) it has become a second home since The Last Supper Tour started. After a quick cup of tea we got back in the car, still raining and by now freezing cold. Great! Four hours later, after getting stuck in traffic and struggling to find a place to park, we arrived at Southern. By now I really wasn’t in a good mood and wondered why I ever had thought this was a good idea. Anyway I was here so I might as well get on with it.

Allison & Billie
From the moment I walked into Southern things changed. Dawn straight away popped out to get us fresh milk and biscuits. Allison was standing there with a big smile on her face and Billie (her dog) was jumping up and down from excitement. What a welcome, within minutes I forgot all about the horrible journey and was ready to get started. While Allison and I were catching up, time flew and before I knew it Roy arrived and we started the interview he asked to do for the new edit of his Day The Country Died dvd.

Me, John Robb, Allison and Jona mucking about
After the interview it was time to brave the cold and drive to Brick Lane for the book talk at Rough Trade. A manic journey through London followed before we finally arrived. I have to admit that at first I didn’t recognise it, so much had changed. John Robb was already there and we quickly went
next door to the pub so that I could have a drink while we discussed the upcoming interview. Rough Trade was a great place to have the book talk. You can buy a coffee and tea while you browse to your hearts content. Anyway I wasn’t there for the tea. I was a bit nervous before we got started, I know I am a twat. Luckily there were quite a few familiar faces. Steve Pottinger who I wrote the book with; Annie Anxiety who I hadn’t seen in ages; Sid and Zillah from Rubella Ballet who brought along lots of goodies.

Me, John Robb & Lauren in a small box
Thanks to John and everyone that turned up it became a great night. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was lovely to meet new people. Gemma, that was a great bomber jacket. Lee, it was great to see you again. I would like to say a big thank you to Allison for organising it, Damon for filming the whole interview, Sean and Phil from Rough Trade for inviting us and Simon at Forte for your help. After a quick drink, we got back in our freezing cold car to pick up the dog and drive home in the pitch black to Norfolk. Did I mind? No way! Was it worth it? Every minute of it!

Some of the lovely folks who came along.
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